Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Rattan in Indonesia has a long history, its own existence already for centuries. Rattan antiquity regarded as luxury items meaningful political-economical so often taken as seserahan the king across the country. Eg the "sepikul rattan" in the kingdom of Srivijaya to one in India, "rattan armor" to mark the Majapahit-China relations, "white cane" is a bond royal kingdom in Sumatra Peninsula (Pasai) at the beginning of the Islamic empire -India. In the colonial period, the rattan has become a commercial commodity of high economic value. The proof, the Dutch entry into the kingdom of Kutai started buying rattan primarily by barter with staples, fabric and others.

 In detail, writing about the history of cultivation and trade of rattan is very minimal found, but sources who can tell you about rattan is still so much and can be found in the village / ward. In West Kutai example, ethnic rattan cultivation in particular are ethnic Kutai and Dayak. Kutai and Dayak much use as a binder cane houses and other household needs. It encourages people to plant and cultivate cane according to the types that are commonly used such as rattan Sega, Jahap, Seltup, Pulut White, Red and Manau Pulut.

According to historical records made by K. Heyne in "Van De Nuttige Planten Indonesia", it is mentioned that this type of cane was first cultivated in Indonesia is a type of rattan Sega. Cultivation done in anticipation of the scarcity of rattan because of that kind of rattan Sega becoming increasingly difficult to find especially located farther away from the edge of the village and the river.  Rattan garden was first established and automatically become a pioneer in the cultivation of rattan in Indonesia, located in the area around the village near the city Mengkatip Buntok, and the area around the village Dadahup, Kapuas, both located in the province of Central Kalimantan. Cultivation activities have begun around 1850. In the area of ​​cane cultivation Palembang has done since 1905. At that time there are many fields that the former shifting cultivation after harvest more than 2-3 times to no longer fertile so planted with rubber and rattan plants. Besides state forests are vast and its population still tends to be slightly so many farmers clearing new land for planting cane.

Knowing the benefits and uses of rattan wicker be made widely popular and high economic value that becomes a source of income for cane producing areas, especially outside Java such as Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Sumatra. Rattan is widely traded between the islands and even between countries since 1918. Demand will continue to increase and retain as much and there is a demand for new types so that different species are grown is also growing. The high value and high demand selling rattan further encourage farmers to grow cane on a large scale until the 1980's. At that time the price of 1 kg worth of rattan Sega with 1 liter of gasoline or 1 kg of rice. Farmers having a golden moment. Moreover, the absence of commodity that can compete at that wicker, rattan increasingly dominates the market.

But after the year 1987 until now the price becomes comparable rattan anymore. This is a result of the closing of the tap rattan exports abroad and government policies on the export of rattan which changes every change of leadership and tends to favor certain parties are certainly not farmers. Rattan who has experienced the golden age hopefully it will not be a 'living history'.