Thursday, March 28, 2013

How to Polish Furniture In The Bambu ', Wicker and Rattan

Finally comes the summer and for sure you will 'happen to bring out those beautiful garden furniture in wicker, rattan or bamboo', which unfortunately closed to the lost shine and maybe have some dust or dirt. Clean them is not 'easy, especially in the plots and you run the risk of breaking them.


Below you will learn how to restore his new life in a simple and economical.

you need just a little 'time, lemons, a soft, lint-free cloth and water, preferably warm.
First council to place the furniture you want polish on a piece of paper or piece of plastic so 'you will avoid getting dirt on the floor with the lemon juice.

Then cut some lemons in the middle 'and keep them beside you within reach, preferably in a bowl.
Grab half a lemon and sfregalo very well on all surfaces, taking care not to insist too much on the plots more 'fragile, of course, need to' change lemon as soon as you realize it has no more 'juice.

 Once past the lemon (and you will see the results because 'will have' made your furniture well cleaned and degreased also beautiful shiny) take the bowl with warm water, immergici the cloth, wring and then goes over the furniture to remove residues lemon, so that 'do not remain sticky.
Finally, let it air dry and admires as new!