Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Rattan farmers lose money

source: kompas

Farmers and rattan gatherers in West Kalimantan continue to lose money because the craft industry is not so optimal. although the government has banned the export of raw rattan. One of rattan gatherers in Ketapang, M Amin (45) said, rattan raw material costs, increased from Rp 8,000 per kg to Rp 10,000 per kg.

The cost of production rose because only a few types of rattan which may be levied by order artisans in Java, not like the old days when the export is allowed. Meanwhile, rattan craftsmen in Java only able to buy raw rattan with the highest price of Rp 10,500 per kg. Even, several times the rattan from West Kalimantan that have been sent up to the handicraft industry, valued only Rp 7,500 per kg.